Just like there may be hundreds of Baseball dice games with different “game engines”, they all still use the basic categories of stats to form player ratings (Average, Homeruns, Strikeouts, Stolen bases, WAR, etc.). Boxing will have its own similar categories even if the game play itself is totally different (Wins, Losses, Knockouts, Stamina, Punching Power, Ability to Take a Punch, etc).


Unfortunately, with sports like boxing, the “Stats” can be very subjective and “opinion” driven. As an example, not every fighter who has knocked out their first 10 opponents is truly a classic “Knockout” fighter. Their opponents may have been, as the old writers would call, “Palookas” or “Tomato Cans” or maybe the opponents were true future “Contenders”. So, “stats” can be very “iffy” at best. One person can look at a fighter’s stats and think, “this guy is one of the best ever” while someone else will look at the same stats and think, “He was not that great, he never fought ________ (just fill in the blank of whoever you think was a better fighter)”. This gives any fighter ratings room for debate.


With that said and out of the way, while the “game engine” of this game is different from the great boxing games available (Glory Days Boxing. Legends of Boxing, Title Bout II, 4 Dice Boxing, Main Event Boxing, etc.) the ratings for this game are based on the concepts written in two great resources put out over the last 30 years by the God Father of rating boxers Jim Trunzo:

  1. “Rating Fighters for TKO Boxing 3 part Series by Jim Trunzo”
  2. “How To Rate Your Own Fighters by Jim Trunzo in the Title Bout Championship Boxing Manual 2.0 (page 42-51)”


The fighter’s ratings in this game are the opinions of a lot of different people with a lot of different boxing knowledge and a lot of different opinions. That is why I decided to keep the Fighter Files in EXCEL so that anyone playing the game can change the ratings to whatever they feel the ratings should be. Again, the two great Jim Trunzo resources above are great resources to help you rate your own fighters, but be prepared to know that regardless of how much you believe your ratings to be “accurate”, there will be those that totally disagree with you!   :0)